Central Nevada Health District

Within public health, clinical health services are concerned with preventing disease, education, and wellness. CNHD’s clinical health services include chronic disease prevention, immunization, maternal child health, tuberculosis, family planning, and STI services.

Environmental Health Program
The Central Nevada Health District is concerned with the interaction of people and their environment. Specifically, the Environmental Health program is focused on the health and welfare of humans in order to build safe and healthy communities. In order to achieve improved outcomes, Environmental Health conducts inspections to ensure compliance with applicable regulations, develops policies, programs, and services to reduce the possibility of contamination in water, soil, and food within the community.

Public Health Preparedness
Within public health, public health preparedness is concerned with ensuring community health and safety through preparing for and responding to public health emergencies. This is done through disease surveillance and investigation, coordinating public health partners during each phase of the public health emergency, and building critical capacities aligned with federal and state guidelines.